‘ello, Ducks – as one might say in parts of Britain….

Yes, we were in Great Britain this month. We had lots of choices this month since Great Britain includes Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales. And so much good food….

So without further ado…

Since this was Joanne’s choice we will start with her dish. Which, by the way, is dessert and one should always eat dessert FIRST!!!

joanne england

Apple Charlotte: An Irresistible British Pudding. Doesn’t that look delicious. Perfect ending to a perfect British meal. I have never made Apple Charlotte so I am glad to have a good recipe to begin with.

Peggy also joined us this month and made

peggy england

What could be better than a QUICHE. In this case, a quiche full of ham and cheese.

Margart says she went out of her comfort zone and made something completely different.


She made Dorothy Ballam’s Poacher’s Pie Made with rabbit it was definitely something that would be in a poacher’s bag!

Rebecca warmed us up with a wonderful Steak Pie

grongar england

It has a hardy steak filling with lots of onions and topped with Puff Pastry.

Kayte made something we used to eat quite often –

kayte england

Bangers and Mash!! Or what we usually know as Sausage and Mashed Potatoes. I like the British name better. Trust me, I know they were delicious as well.

October will see all of us out of our comfort zone. We are traveling to TONGA which is part of Polynesia. Talk about exotic food….. Hope you will join us. If you do just leave a comment below with the link to the dish and we will include you in the round-up.

Categories: World Cuisine | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “‘ello, Ducks – as one might say in parts of Britain….

  1. Wish I could have participated this month! But we’re in the middle of a kitchen remodel, we haven’t even had a sink for weeks. We’ll be done soon (hopefully) and I can make something yummy for October!

    • teaandscones

      Been there earlier this summer and about 8 years ago. Hard to cook with no kitchen!!

  2. I posted late, sorry about that, but we did enjoy learning about, making, and eating Bangers and Mash with Beer and Onion Gravy. http://grandmaskitchentable.typepad.com/grandmas_kitchen_table/2013/10/my-kitchen-my-world-bangers-and-mash-with-beer-and-onion-gravy.html

  3. My Tonga post, a day late (but I’m getting better!): http://grongar.com/2013/11/01/tongan-coconut-quick-bread/

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